Thursday, December 6, 2012


For this project, i chose the word "unnoticed" from the poem because i think it is summarized by that word succinctly.  Workers go about their business, farmers farm, and when a historical moment occurs at the body of water they are near, they continue their business.  I think this poem addresses the scope of humanity and obligation.  at different viewpoints, objects emerge from the background to the foreground.  the farmer does not notice icarus because in the scope of the farmer, at that moment, he is preoccupied with the rituals of being a farmer.  he notices farmer things that a poet would never care to notice.  i think this poem could also address the identity within a person that is never realized, but muddled by misrepresentation through convention.  Here is my attempt to have the word emerge from chickenbones, wires, plastic bags, and toothpicks.  it is supposed to look like a wing, whose feathers form the word.  It was my intention to be somewhat vague with the letters, but my awesomely poor craftsmenship put it over the top